The Return of the Ancestors Gathering

wo, mrt 18, 2009

Politiek en Samenleving

The Return of the Ancestors Gathering

500 years ago the Mayan Ancestors wrote out on stone prophesies for the upcoming years creating the Mayan Calendar. With only four years left of the Mayan Calendar, many people fear the end of the world, but it is not predicting the end of the world in 2012, but the start of a new era.

To usher in this new era The Institute for Cultural Awareness is holding a sacred pilgrimage in Northern Arizona beginning Earth Day Weekend, April 18th – 28, 2009. Indigenous Elders and Future Wisdom Keepers are coming from every corner of the world, from the highest peaks of the Andes Mountains to the Plains of Africa. They are coming to share their wisdom and prophesies with the world to help us heal it and to follow in their ancestors footsteps as prophesized, creating new guide stone tablets of prophesy for the upcoming 500 years…..the world has awaited a renewed life’s plan.

It was Adam Yellowbird, Spiritual Guide and the Founder of ICA in Sedona, had the vision of the Return of the Ancestors as he sat with the Elders in a sacred circle on the shores of Lake Titicaca in Peru. This vision was not just his own, but also of the Tribal Elder of Guatemala, Don Alejandro Cerilio Axla Perez.  Don Alejandro had spoken of a great gathering of peoples from the Americas. During that time on Lake Titicaca, Adam knew that it was time for this great gathering,
“It is time for the return of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine,”
Yellowbird announced.

“It is time for the prophecies, the cultures, the languages, the history and herstory of all people to come together as one. It is time to release ancestral memory that doesn’t serve us and replace it with a new healed ancestral memory and consciousness that give inspiration for the future, beyond 2012. “We are the future we fully intend to be…..And it begins now.”

This gathering is fulfilling a great Mayan prophecy, “When the Eagle once again flies with the Condor, a lasting peace will reign in the Americas and will spread throughout the world to unite humanity.” Beginning Earth Day Weekend, April 18th 2009, throughout Northern Arizona the heart of the gathering will also be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. Here 72 or more global spiritual/cultural leaders and 28 youth council leaders will share a harvest of harmonic wisdom and understandings that will enable the world to fulfill the prophecies of the ancestors.

This gathering’s commitment to ceremony as a focal point offers pilgrims of the world the privilege to witness councils sharing wisdom from their ancestors, songs and sacred ceremonies. This intention is to bring inspiration to the world thus birthing clear decisions and manifesting a conduit of hope for our children, the future wisdom keepers of the world. This gathering’s commitment to ceremony as a focal point offers pilgrims of the world the privilege to witness councils sharing wisdom from their ancestors, songs and sacred ceremonies. This intention is to bring inspiration to the world thus birthing clear decisions and manifesting a conduit of hope for our children, the future wisdom keepers of the world.

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